Monday, September 10, 2007

Mondays With Mom - Hodge Podge

As you can tell by the lack of posting last week, we have been BUSY! We spent Labor Day weekend with my parents in PA for my grandma's 70th birthday. Happy Birthday Grammy! You can read about that and view pictures at Grammy E's blog, the link is to the right. I haven't learned how to put the cool little links in the text. Randy has been working lots of hours at the job and trying to get our shed finished before winter. Nate has been busy with school every day. Friday, Nate and I made a purchase we have been saving our pennies for for a long time! He is now able to view school and play his Game Cube on a much bigger screen! The desk we had to put it on was very wobbly and Randy was worried that our new purchase may crash to the floor. I prayed that God would help us find something at a reasonable price, well wouldn't you know it, He answered prayer. I don't know why I'm always so surprised when He does, because He's good and He often gives us the desire of our hearts. We were able to get a computer armoire for 1/2 price at Wal Mart. It reminds me of the wardrobe from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I would love to crawl inside and get to Narnia. Oh, I've disgressed. It has shelves for all the school "stuff" to be stored and the best part, you can close it all up and it's out of site! Today will be filled with school and all things domestic, laundry, cleaning and errands. Friday, Randy and I will celebrate 16 years of marital bliss! We dated for 4 years before that so he and his family have been putting up with me for nearly 20 years! It has been a wonderful 16 years, I love my man! He treats me like a queen and works so hard for Nate and me. I love you Randy!

If you know me well, you may know my love for talk radio. I am a talk radio junkie. It is on in the house most of the day, well not so much now because of school. I'm a channel surfer. I go from Glenn Beck, to Lauryn Ingraham, to Neal Boortz in the 9-12am slot. When 12:06 hits it is time for Rush Limbaugh's opening dialog. But, when 2pm comes the radio dial is on 96.5 FM for my daily dose of DAVE RAMSEY! Rush, if you're reading this, sorry about missing your last hour but Dave is the Man! The radio will be on in the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom, so no matter where I am I won't miss a thing. I love this guy and Nate and I practice for the day when we can call him on Friday and scream, "WE'RE DEBT FREE!" Guess what I asked my sweet hubby to get me for my anniversary? No, it wasn't roses and fine dining for me, but tickets to go see Dave Ramsey this Thursday night - and my man delivered! I told you he treated me like a queen. Now, I can hear you thinking, or maybe even expressing your thoughts out loud, "I knew she was strange, but not this strange!" I ask you, is there a better way to spend your anniversary than snuggled up next to your man, listening to a financial seminar. ;o) I'll take lots of pictures and post all I learned next week. Until then, a quote from Dave, "If broke is normal, I want to be weird!"
Working on the Baby Steps, (it's a Dave thing)
~Nate's Mom

Happy Anniversary Randy!

Nate enjoying the new screen! (Well, it's math so I don't think much "enjoying" is going on right now)


Heather said...

Hey Michele I would love to go see Dave Ramsey so you arent the only one who "wants to be weird." I long for the day I can call up and scream too.Thanks for the tip though I nevr knew what time he came on in the afternoon.8o) I am gonna go turn Dave on.

Grammy's Blog said...

Great Hodge Podge!
The new school room looks great! What is the pillow and the blanket doing in the classroom? They didn't have blankets and pillows for our chairs when we went to school:)
Grammy E

Tamra said...

Happy Anniversary! Nate's school corner looks all nice and neat.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog! Your armoire looks great. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy Dave:)