Friday, August 29, 2008

Rally Pictures

What a great day I had with Heather as we saw history made right before our eyes. The first woman nominated for GOP Vice President. What an amazing lady, I will be proud to call her Madame Vice President! I met an interesting man in line, he was from Germany and said Barak Obama reminded him of the socialism he left back in Germany, pretty scary if you ask me. We saw a sign that read, "Democrats for McCain", and another that said "Hillary Supporters for McCain". Encouraging! Here is my feeble attempt at pictures, still trying to figure out my new camera and it was hard to hoop and holler, wave the flag & glow stick and take pictures all at the same time.
~Nate's Mom

McCain Rally 8-29-08


Katie and the boys said...

Wow!!! Sounds like you girls had an exciting day!!!!

Your Penn Palz : said...

WOW!!! a day you'll never forget! it was exciting to see over the airwaves but i bet being there was oh so much better! i'm thrilled you were able to make your own 'history moment'! with much prayer we'll see mccain and palin in the white house, soon!
love ya... XO

Gayle said...

I am sooooooooooo sad I did not go with you:)
What a awesome time! I was a little sad when I heard it was not Romney but after seeing this women and reading about her I believe she is the right one for the job.
Thanks for inviting me. Next time I will be standing in line with you:)
Love Ya!

Lavy Country said...

How awesome that you were there! Gov. Palin is pretty impressive. My interest is sparked, too.

Heather said...

Your pictures turned out great!! Mine didnt turn out at all! I think my dead batteries had something to do with it. I may steal some of yours. Thanks for letting me go with you!! I had a great time!!