Monday, February 18, 2008

1,000 Visitors!

Who would have thought that in exactly 3 weeks since taking over this blog I would have had 1,000 visits! Thank you for being so interested in what I had to say. Maybe you weren't interested but just nosy. Thanks for being nosy. Not nosy you say, you got here by accident, a random click and you will never be back, thank you for stopping by. You've come from the U.S.A, Canada, South America, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan. Unbelievable! It has been a fun 3 weeks. Thank you for putting up with my political views, menus and just aimless ramblings! If I knew for sure who the 1,000th visitor was I would give you some kind of prize. Maybe one of the 6 Blood Glucose Monitors I have purchased from CVS or the 2 bags of M&Ms that are still left in the drawer. Oh well! Here's to 1,000 more visits and more of my crazy thoughts on life.

~Nate's Mom


Patty said...

I am one of your readers. We seem to have a lot in common. I was for Mitt, I love talk radio, and I am a big Dave Ramsey fan. I have also become a CVS shopper after seeing all your great bargins.
So keep up the great post~I enjoy reading them.

Michele said...

Thanks for the nice comment! I am a reader of your blog as well! I'm terrible at leaving comments and should do it more often. We do have a lot in common! I'm still deciding who I'm going to vote for now that Mitt is out of the race and we are going to see Dave Ramsey in Lexinton in March! I can't wait! God bless you and your family!

Grammy's Blog said...

I think I was the 1000 visitor:)
I really enjoy your blog!

Lavy Country said...

Hey, just don't forget the faithful few that have been around from the start!! I must be just nosy -- it sure wasn't the musings of Mitt that kept me coming back. We Hucksters received a black eye every time we opened the door ;o) You know I love you and your blog. Oh, btw I have a use for your glucometers - I was talking about you at work and someone is interested

Michele said...

Thank you faithful reader! No black eyes intended, just trying to keep the people informed! ;o) Great news on the monitors! I'm slowly but surely getting rid of them.