Monday, November 3, 2008

Call To Fast & Pray

The following letter is from my dear friend's daughter, she is 14 or 15 and encouraged me so much! I asked her mom if I could share the letter with my friends and she agreed. Please take the time to read it and join me in fasting and prayer today and/or tomorrow. Remember now matter what happens, God is in control and we can trust him. He has never failed us and the person in the White House doesn't change that one bit!

Many of you are probably familiar with the story of the pastor who spoke with Sarah Palin at a McCain/ Palin rally in Lebanon, OH.

In case you haven’t read this yet, I’ve attached a copy of the story. (The story can be found here)

Whether or not this account is totally accurate, I believe the idea of Gov. Palin being a present-day Esther is truly profound.

One whole 10-chapter book of the Bible is dedicated to the story of Esther.

Esther was a courageous woman who stood up for what she believed. Throughout the story, it is apparent that God’s hand was on her. In the end, God used Esther along with her cousin, Mordecai to save his chosen people.

I had the privilege of seeing Gov. Palin about a month ago at a rally in Wilmington, OH. She is also a courageous woman of God with strong beliefs. I have read countless things making fun of Sarah Palin for her firm stance on abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. It always reminds me how badly America needs leaders who will listen and follow God’s direction.

Sarah Palin is not a messiah; she is simply a woman who God has gifted with the ability to lead, and who (I believe) will follow God’s direction in helping John McCain lead this country.

Though I am not old enough to vote, my parents have always taught me the importance of voting. It is our responsibility as Americans to voice our opinion through voting. But more important still, is our responsibility as Christians to pray for those in leadership in this country.

If you recall, in the story of Esther, Esther didn’t just rush in and risk her life, before taking time to pray.

Esther 4:15-17 says,

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”

So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.

The story goes on to tell us that Esther summoned her courage, went to the king and revealed Haman’s plot against her and her people. Haman was killed, and the Jews were saved.

It really is an amazing (True) story.

I will be fasting on Election Day- Tuesday, November 4th. I am asking all of you to join me in this effort.

I won’t go into all the Scripture verses about fasting, but I would encourage you to look some up for yourself (There are plenty of them).

One of the main benefits of fasting is that it helps us focus on prayer. Please pray fervently for John McCain and Sarah Palin, not just on Nov. 4th, but right now, and every time God lays it on your heart from now until then.

If you feel led to fast longer, please do so!

I would also encourage you to pray for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. I have a hard time believing Sen. Obama is a Christian, considering many of the things he stands for, so I pray for his salvation daily.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

God bless you, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Rebekah S.


Gayle said...

Great Story! We will be fasting and praying!

Ronda said...

Amazing letter from a very wise "14" year old girl! It inspired me and I, too, will be fasting and praying tomorrow! Thanks for sharing this with us! You have really done your part in this election, Michelle. Thanks for your efforts!