Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I Love the HSLDA

We are members of the Home School Legal Defense Association and this is exactly why:

From the HSLDA E-lert Service...

September 4, 2008

Ohio - Proposed Changes to Homeschool Regulation NOT Harmful

Dear HSLDA Members:

Your comments made a difference. During its two-week comment in July,
the ODE received an overwhelming amount of public input on Ohio's
Homeschool regulation. Nearly 9,000 comments were received by the ODE
which overwhelmingly stated that the Ohio homeschool laws and
regulations were working fine and needed no substantive changes. The
message from this great news is that when homeschoolers work together
great things happen!

The ODE heard loud and clear that Ohio homeschool regulations work and
don't need any fixing. Therefore the ODE is recommending only two
minor technical changes to the State Board of Education. These
changes will not adversely affect the current framework of homeschool
regulations in Ohio. The first change modifies the definition of
"teacher" to reflect changes being made in the state teacher licensing
system. The other change removes a reference to an obsolete section
of the Ohio Administrative Code. For more information about these
proposed changes please visit , a webpage
sponsored by CHEO and maintained by CHEO's legislative liaison,
Melanie Elsey, who will attend the SBOE meeting to observe and report
on the SBOE's discussions and actions.

The Ohio State Board of Education ("SBOE") Achievement Committee will
review proposed changes to the Ohio Home Education Rules on September
8, 2008. As part of the regular monthly SBOE meeting the committee
will meet at 2:45 p.m. to review a proposal from the Ohio Department
of Education to make two specific changes to the home school
regulations. There will not be an opportunity for public comment, and
at this time HSLDA does not recommend attendance as necessary.

HSLDA is privileged to be able to serve its members and resolve issues
specific to their families and school districts. Your membership
allows us to advocate for homeschooling freedom in Ohio, with our
federal government, and all over the world. We thank you for your
attention to these important matters of freedom and for your ongoing


Michael P. Donnelly, Esq.
Staff Attorney