Monday, March 24, 2008

Telling on Myself

One of the qualities of a true blogger is keeping things real. Well we are going to get very real now as I tell you about my shopping escapade of Saturday.

Those of you who know me well, know that I don't like to shop. It's not just a dislike but a complete and utter disgust by the whole process. This disgust is probably multiplied because I tend to be a crisis shopper.

Oh, it's Christmas Sunday service tomorrow! We all need new outfits! You say Easter is this week? We all need new outfits!

This year was better, Randy decided to use his Christmas money to purchase 2 new sport coats. One to wear right away and the other he decided to save for Easter. A few weeks ago we bought Nate a new suit and he used his birthday money to buy cowboy boots to wear with his suit. So 2 down and one to go.

I had assured myself that I didn't need a new Easter outfit. It's the frugal thing to do and Dave would be proud of me! Then Friday and Saturday come and I decided that maybe it would be nice to have something new. After all, I had a little extra money that I earned to make the purchase. So off to the mall I go with my outfit budget in hand. Randy and Nate came with me to the first store, Dillard's, for we needed to get Nate a plain white shirt for his new suit. As usual, I found a beautiful outfit but guess what, the skirt was $88 the jacket $128 and the sweater underneath $35. $250 was not in my budget! Nothing else in that store caught my eye. I would try one more store in this particular mall before heading to old faithful, Kohl's. Elder Beerman was my destination. I said goodbye to Nate and Randy and headed on my way. I found a dress with a jacket and decided to try it. I'm in the dressing room and notice that this dress was extremely hard to get on. Now, I know my size and this was my size and it should fit. It was a cute little a-line number with the wide band above the waist, sort of a maternity shirt look. This is the style now and I for the life of me can't figure out why women would want to look pregnant all year long. But I've digressed. This band was not flexible and I could barely get it over my shoulders. I finally got it on and as soon as it was in place I knew this was not good. I completely panicked and said out loud, "I'm not going to get this thing off!" I immediately tried and found that I was right. This dress wasn't coming off without help. What was I going to do? Now let me stop here to tell you not to judge me! I can hear the sighs as you are asking yourself, "Why in the world did she put it on?!" Remember this is a desperate girl in need of a dress and I hate to shop and I finally found one I liked! So quit the speculating and just try to feel my pain! I tried again and it wouldn't budge. The band would not stretch enough for me to get it over my shoulder blades. I just knew I would have to rip the thing off and then have to use my money to pay for a torn dress! After what seemed like ages, and I'm sure that it was only minutes, I remembered that Randy and Nate were going to stop at the sporting goods store before leaving the mall. Thank God for cell phones, I called and they were still in the mall. I asked Randy if he could come down to the store for I was stuck in a dress. He said he would be right there. First he said, "WHAT!" and then he said he would be right there. My sweet husband had to come in the womens' dressing room to help me. Thankfully, I was the only one using this set of dressing rooms. I held my arms high over my head while he peeled that thing off of me! Completely embarrassed and vowing to never try another dress on again in my life, I headed to Kohl's for one last shot. Why don't I just start at Kohl's, I have purchased my last 2 Easter outfits at this store and my trip there this year was successful as well! Think of all the shame and disgrace I would have spared myself if I would have started my trip at Kohl's! Oh well, I've bared my soul and shared my less than flattering story with those of you in blogger land. Maybe someone got a laugh after a particularly stressful day and then my embarrassment will have been worth it all!
~Nate's Mom


The Going Blog said...

oh, it was worth it. I cannot imagine this happening. It is never easy to shop with males in tow. That is rule #1 however it looks like it came in handy for you :-) Rule #2 Go with what has worked in the past first. I'm still smiling!

Rob and Deanna said...

:-) LOL I can feel your pain, I have had that panicky feeling before as well, when trying on an outfit. You need to post a pic of the "chosen" Easter dress.

Gayle said...

I remember having a dress like that back in the 7o's That was the style then but it was the only dress I had. I'm sorry that you have your dad's genes:)
Love ya!

Stephanie said...

Michele - I loved your story! It was even better hearing you tell it in person with the gestures and movements! LOL!

Thanks for being REAL!

Love ya!

Betty said...

I am sooooooooo glad your sweet husband got you out of that dress. You really need to keep the cell phones handy for your escapades!! I want you to know that I laughed sooooooooo hard reading the blog to Jim we both cracked up. Thanks for a great laugh to tears!!!

see ya soon

Heather said...

Just think what you would have done before cell phones. You could have just gone to pay for the dress with it on. ( and wish you could read the cashiers mind) Then just return it when you got it off. Kohl's is the the best!!! LOL

Lavy Country said...

Oh, my poor friend. I remember a similar incident with a particular purchase from VS. You looked very nice. And, yes, Kohl's is my old faithful, too.

Unknown said...

Michele, I enjoyed your story! I'm glad it had a happy ending!

Your Penn Palz : said...

OMW! you have made greg and i both laugh so much with this one!!! believe it or not, i have a 'top' in my closet at this moment, that WE have to 'peel off' in much the same fashion! in my situation it's because the upper part of the sleeves are very fitted and simply will not come off of my shoulders easily. really no fun, but i love the blouse and deal with it accordingly. LOL
thanks ever so much again for the laughs - remember there are others of us out here in bloggerland that really do feel your pain...
love to all and miss ya bunches, too!

Tamra said...

Too funny! You looked so nice in that Easter outfit!

krisanddrew said...

thank you for the laugh. I can feel your pain with shopping, as I detest shopping as well. I am glad that things worked out for you.

Holdens said...

Michele, this is a great story!! I loved it!!