Monday, January 21, 2008

Mondays With Mom - Goodbye Old Friend

This past Friday we said goodbye to our friend, someone who came into our lives 4 years ago. We never thought we would have to say good bye, but we were introduced to Dave Ramsey, who changed our perspective on things. It was a bitter- sweet day. Tears were shed and excitement grew over the check that will be used to pay off a significant amount of debt. Thank you for all the smiles you put on my husband’s face. Thank you for the relaxation you brought after a stressful week. Thank you for taking me out west where I was able to enjoy such sites as the endless miles of bean and corn fields in Iowa, the almost other worldly feel of The Badlands, majestic Mt. Rushmore, Devil’s tower in Wyoming, Custer National Park, The Needles Highway and so many other places I never for one moment dreamed I would see. Thank you for the father son bonding time you gave dad and boy this past summer on a trip through Cumberland Gap. Dear son will remember those days for the rest of his life. I enjoyed dotting around the country side taking pictures of hubby, his Hog Tales, his Harley and the many state, city and county signs in order to earn points for the ABC’s of Touring. If you would have told me that I would be a Harley Mama one day I would have laughed in your face, but I am now and will forever look forward to the day in a few years when the old friend is replaced by someone new. Until then, may you bring joy to the 61 year old man that bought you. The man who too had a tear in his eye as he drove you away. The man who has waited 20 years for his dream to come true. Our dreams are on hold for a short time, but we are thankful for the hope of dreams to come! We will miss you old friend!

~Nate's Mom

Saying Goodbye


Gayle said...

:( That makes me want to cry!
But wait till the day you can scream I AM DEBT FREE TO DAVE RAMSEY!

Beth Stetler said...

Dave Ramsey is The Man!

Ronda said...

Love the real "Dave Ramsey"....I just can't see you as a "Harley" mama!(smile) I am sorry that you are sad! We saw "Gayle" at "Aly's" dedication...she is a real sweetheart! It was fun to see her! Hope that you are having a great day!